
The Seaford Review is an online poetry magazine edited by Christopher Lloyd, Jack Westmore and Luís Costa. It publishes three times a year: Spring (15 March), Summer (15 July) and Autumn (15 Nov).

Founded in Spring 2024 by the current editors, the first issue is forthcoming in November of the same year.

You can also find us on Instagram and on X/twitter for poetry and updates.

Meet the editors

Christopher Lloyd

Christopher Lloyd (he/him) was born in South Wales in 1987. He is a writer and academic interested in queerness, race, and memory. He is the author of the pamphlet Pick Up Your Feelings (fourteen publishing, 2024), as well as poems, stories, and nonfiction that have appeared in bath magg, And Other Poems, Action, Spectacle, &Change, Kissing Dynamite, and elsewhere. Chris is the Vice-Chair of the British Association of American Studies, and editor of the Diversifying and Decolonising the University podcast.

Jack Westmore

Jack Westmore (he/him) was born and grew up in London. He is a software engineer and part-time poet, having previously written his own Substack and had poems published in The Fourth River, Poet’s Choice, The Closed Eye Open, and Tin Can Poetry. Jack is a past recipient of the Tower Poetry Prize (2nd place).

Luís Costa 

Luís Costa (he/they) was born in Lisbon in the autumn of 1987 and has lived in London for the past twelve years. He is the author of the pamphlet two dying lovers holding a cat (fourteen publishing, 2024), and his poems have been published in Queerlings, Stone of Madness, Roi Fainéant, Visual Verse, Boats Against The Current, Anthropocene, Fahmidan, the anthology He/She/They/Us (Macmillan, 2024), and elsewhere. Luís holds a PhD in Psychology from Goldsmiths, University of London.


The Seaford Review is open for submissions three times a year with month-long reading periods: January for the Spring issue, May for the Summer issue, September for the Autumn issue.

Submissions for Issue 1 (Autumn) will open on September 1st (until September 30th). Issue 1 will be published in November.


Attach a single pdf file with 1-5 poems (written in a legible font) to an email containing a 3rd person bio and subject line “YOUR NAME + SUBMISSION”, and send it to seafordreview@gmail.com.

We accept only previously unpublished poems (print, online and social media). Please send your work to us only once during each reading window. 

Poems from writers from underrepresented communities, including previously unpublished poets, are especially welcomed.

Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but please let us know if the poems are accepted elsewhere by replying to the original submission email.

All poets will be notified about the outcome of their submission within a month after the closing date.

Thank you for your interest in the Seaford Review. We can’t wait to read your work.

Christopher Lloyd, Jack Westmore, Luís Costa


Subscribe to Seaford Review

The Seaford Review is an online magazine of new poetry, published three times a year.


The Seaford Review is an online poetry magazine edited by Christopher Lloyd, Jack Westmore and Luís Costa. It publishes three times a year: Spring (15 March), Summer (15 July) and Autumn (15 Nov).